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What Makes A Business Successful – Asking The Experts


If you ask anyone on the street what makes a successful business, they will probably say the money you make. However, ask business entrepreneurs, like Indian Entrepreneur Anand Mishra, and they will tell you it's much more than that. Today we are sharing what makes a business successful from the experts.

Create Something You Believe In

This is the first, and one of the most important steps in building a brand that is successful. If you don't believe in your purpose, you will have nothing to keep you going when you hit those sure to come obstacles that every business faces.


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Be Different

You don't want to take another companies idea and just tweak it a bit to make it a bit better. You need to make it radically different and better. Anyone can make something just a bit better than the original. A successful business, however, makes it greater.

Surviving Imitation

When other companies see a really radical idea take off, it isn't long before others try to copy it. Will your brand survive being copied over and over? It can if you follow a system of continual innovation.

Have A Financial Cushion

Every business has faced some down times as a result of mistakes or plain bad luck. Now, we know that most startups don't have a ton of reserve cash just sitting in an account. This is why it's so important to really budget your money and only buy what you truly need. It will help you put money aside for those bad luck times so that you can keep going.

One tip here is to determine how you can reach your goals on a small budget and then cut that in half. The goal is to stay alive until you hit the right blend that means success for you. So leave out the fancy colorful brochures, the expensive marketing, and so forth. Use tools like social media and online brochures to get your business out there.

Don't Compromise On What's Important

The most important things for business are their core values, vision, and purpose. Never, ever compromise on these things! However, listen to what your customers are saying and be flexible in the market you are working in.

What makes a business successful is not trying to rush things forward before they are ready, being frugal, and using what you have to work with until things get to where you want them to be.

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