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Tips That Will Help You Be Happy All The Time


Happiness is important if you want to enjoy your life. If you don’t have enough happiness in your life, you will spend your days sad and depressed. It will reflect your personality and will make it difficult to ever get out of that rut. Some people seem to always be happy. But how do they do it?


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Anand Mishra of Tathastu gives us an opportunity to sit down and find out how he is seemingly happy all of the time and what we can do to feel the same way. After speaking with him, we outlined the main points that he discussed below.

Never Go To Bed Angry

The thing that Anand stressed the most is the importance of not going to bed angry. When you go to bed angry, it will affect your entire day. You will wake up in a bad mood, you will be tired and you will feel restless. Going to bed angry means you will start your day in a bad mood. Starting your morning in a bad mood makes it very difficult to have a good day at all.

This is why it is so important to clear your mind before you go to bed. By doing this, you will get more rest and you will wake up with more energy. You will look forward to each day instead of dreading it. If you stay in a peaceful mindset each night, it will rub off on you the next day in a positive way.

Achieve Your Goals

Anand explained that it is important to set goals for yourself that you will be able to achieve. Many people make the mistake of setting goals that are too high. This makes it impossible to ever accomplish any of those goals. When you do this, you are robbing yourself of any of the rewards that come with accomplishing goals.

It is okay to set high goals, but you should also set goals that can be easily achieved as well. When you accomplish these small feats, you will feel a lot better about yourself and it will reflect in your state of mind.

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